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아주 오래전 사진[퍼온 글]

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오래된 사진들입니다.

--------- 원본 메일 ---------

보낸사람: "송동철" <cheol371@nate.com>
받는사람: "호가" <hoga9@hanmail.net>
날짜: 2014년 9월 17일 수요일, 10시 48분 41초 +0900
제목: Fw:[(사진) RARE HISTORICAL PHOTOS <some repeats> ]



And descriptions as we wonder what it was like
to be there and surprises us with something
we have never seen.
Some well over 100 years

A boxing match on board the USS Oregon in 1897
[미국전함 오레건함상에서 벌어지는 복싱경기장]


A shell shocked reindeer looks on as World War II planes drop bombs on Russia in 1941.

 [쏟아지는 포탄으로인해 어안이 벙벙해진 순록,1941년 2차세계대전 당시 러시아]


The last known Tasmanian Tiger photographed in 1933 - the species is now extinct.
[지금은 멸종된 타즈메니안호랑이의 1933년에 찍은 마지막 사진 ] 

The London sky following a bombing and dogfight between
British and German planes in 1940


[영국과 독일의 1940년 2차세계대전 당시 런던 하늘에서의 공중전투로 

상대비행기의 약점인 비행기 뒤쪽을 공격한다해서 dogfight{개싸움}이라 말함.



Nagasaki , 20 minutes after the atomic bombing in 1945
[1945년,일본 나가사키에 원자탄이 떨어진  20분 후의 사진 ]
Native  Railroad  overlook
A Native American overlooking the newly completed transcontinental railroad in 1868
[1868년에 토박이 아메리카인이  새로이 건설된 대륙횡단 철도를 바라보고 있는사진]
great fire  and earthquake  in San Francisco  April 18th,  1906
The Great San Francisco Fire and Earthquake of 1906

                       [1906년 샌프란시스코의 지진과 화재]

Hitler in Paris
[파리의 힛틀러] 
Halifax  airport plane
Grounded aircraft on September 11, 2001, await orders.
[2001년 9.11테러당시 명령을기다리는 항공기전대] 

Fidel Castro lays a wreath at the Lincoln Memorial.
[링컨기념관에 헌화하는 큐바 피델 카스트로] 
Lumberjacks  in California
Lumberjacks  in California
California lumberjacks work on Redwoods.  Thousands of tree rings in these ancient trees - each over 1000+ years old or even much older...such a shame...irreplaceable giants.
National park treasures all gone but a few ?
what kind of men would do such a thing for over 100 years - destroy something they cannot ever fix or replace for 2000 years?
It is an evergreen, long-lived, monoecious tree living 1200? 1800 years or more. 
An estimated 95% or more of the original old-growth redwood forest has been cut.
In 1850, old-growth redwood forest covered more than 2,000,000 acres...down to 
8,100 acres by 1968, by which time nearly 90% of the original redwood trees had been logged.
Beatles at  the age of 15
The Beatles in 1957
[1957년 비틀스멤버]  

The 1912 World Series 
Red Sox vs NY Giants
[레드삭스와 뉴욕 자이언트와의 1912년 월드시리즈] 
Hilary and  Bill Clinton
Bill and Hillary Clinton playing volleyball in 1975 -
a future US President 
[1975에 찍은 미래의 미국 대통령 내외,빌클린턴과 힐러리클린턴의 배구경기 ]
Elves  Presley in the  Army
Elvis in the Army
[육군에 입대한 엘비스프레스리] 
Machu  Picchu  discovery
The first photo following the discovery of Machu Pichu in 1912
[1912년에 처음 발견한 마츄피추의 첫사진] 

Child laborers in 1880
[1880년의 나이어린 노동자] 
Time Square  approx. 1911
New York 's Times Square in 1911
[1911년 뉴 욕시의 극장가] 
Mississippi  Steamboats
Steamboats on the Mississippi River in 1907
[1907년 미시시피강위의 증기선들] 

Leo Tolstoy tells a story to his grandchildren in 1909.
[1909년 레오톨스토이가 그의 손주들에게 이야기를 들려주는사진]

Fourteen-year-old Osama bin Laden -
he's second from the right. 
Bell bottom pants - pink car -
expensive shops, nice threads,
About 24 people out smiling - looking hip for the day.
And not one woman has her face or head covered. 

오른쪽에서 두번째가 열네살 때의 오사마 빈 라덴 

Construction  of the Statue of  Liberty 1884
Construction of the Statue of Liberty in 1884
[1884년, 자유의 여신상{뉴욕항 입구에 있음}을 만드는 모습 ]
Thanks for looking.
Pass it on to someone who enjoys a bit of history.


